Monday, February 2, 2015

The equipment of a basketball player

The equipment of a basketball player include:

A sleeveless, originally from cotton, and now plastic. In the front we find the team logo and the agreed advertising (although in the NBA and other competitions there). At the back we find the name of the player and sometimes the first letter of the name when two or more players with the same surname. Below the name, lot, the number of the player, which is very important to note the number of fouls and points of player and substitutions.

The pants can be short or shorts (although fashion carry "pirate" some competitions like the NBA impose rules on its length) can be found in small, the number of the player on the right end of the leg. Must be the same color as the shirt, can not have pockets.

Footwear: boots are shaped to hold the ankle well and protect it from twisting. They also have air chambers to preserve the sole. Soles should be properly designed to curb fast.
Socks: Generally short and cotton. Although usually white as other athletic socks, can be another color to suit uniform or, rarely, be left to the player's taste. According to the FIBA these must be at least 10 cm. on footwear.
It is forbidden for players to wear rings, chains, bracelets or other jewelry as it can damage an opponent.

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